• Saturday, September 3, 2016



    is the common ingredient in Asian cuisine. However, ginger has been used for its medical properties for centuries among many cultures.

    Ginger also known to be the fighter of cancer. Adding ginger to your diet can help prevent new cancer cells from forming to your body and destroy some of the active cancer cells. It's Beneficial for people who are already on cancer treatments since ginger has been known to prevent the toxic effects of the cancer drug.

    This plant can also helps fight Alzheimer's Disease. According to research, Gingers can also helps slows slow down the loss of brain cells, which typically leads to this kind of diseases.

    Ginger is chiefly known as an anti-inflammatory agent, nausea reliever and digestive system aid.

    Read: Health Benefits of Ginger

    For Filipinos it is not just a viand ingredient or condiment but it is also helps to improve your voice and avoid sickness. Can fight anemia and other illnesses.

    In some part of the country, Filipino used ginger for better relaxation of their voice. Elderly people in the Philippines believes that ginger can improve your vocal voice in just drinking their so called "SALABAT" or ginger tea.


    • Ginger
    • 4 cups of water
    • sugar to taste

    How to prepare.

    • Cut one piece of ginger
    • Put the ginger on to boiling water 
    • Let the ginger boiled for 10 minutes
    • Put small amount of sugar
    • Then let the tea to be lukewarm before drinking it.